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Kundalini meditation (part 1)

What Is Kundalini Meditation ?       W hether we realize it or not, most of us do a lot of things without really thinking and often react to our environment rather than being intentional about our thoughts and behaviors. For example, we might drive to work, wash dishes, tuck the kids in, or eat a meal without really being aware of what is happening—or what we want to happen. If you want to live your life with greater awareness and intention, one way to enter this state of heightened attention is to practice meditation. A specific form of meditation that may be particularly helpful is Kundalini, which focuses on primal energy. Kundalini meditation is a way of channeling your energy and releasing yourself from stress and living on "auto-pilot." Kundalini meditation History The exact origins of Kundalini meditation are not known, although its traditions date back to approximately 1,000 BCE to 500 BCE. In Sanskrit, kundalini means "coiled snake" and references the anci

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